pp108 : Using State SyncUp to Synchronize Instances of Process Platform

Using State SyncUp to Synchronize Instances of Process Platform

This topic describes the procedure to synchronize two systems running instances of Process Platform.

State SyncUp is a utility that facilitates synchronization of distributed instances of Process Platform applications running on multiple systems. State SyncUp facilitates synchronization of information or messages related to the state of the system.

  1. In a Windows based computer, click Start > Programs > OpenText Process Suite Platform <Version> > <Instance Name> > Tools > Management Console.
    For Linux users
    1. Launch Terminal
    2. CD Process Platform Installation Directory/bin
    3. Execute ./cmc.sh

    The Management Console window appears.

  2. Click State SyncUp in Management Console window. The LDAP Logon window appears.
  3. Type the required information to connect to the LDAP server. Refer to LDAP Logon Interface.
  4. Click OK.
    The Syncup Administration page appears displaying the state syncup information. For more information on the contents of the State Syncup screen, refer to Example of State Syncup Contents.

Related information

Working With State SyncUp